External Research Data: Recent submissions
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Estimates of the marginal propensity to consume out of housing wealth are presented for ten OECD countries, where it is found that the strongest impact on consumption is in countries that have large, efficient and responsive ... -
Our baseline framework is a dynamic gerneral equilibrium model with monex and temporary nominal price rigidities. In recent years this paradigm has become widely used for theoretical analysis of monetary policy. It has ... -
Using a utilitarian steady state social welfare criterion we find that the optimal US income tax is well approximated by a flat tax rate of 17.2% and a fixed deduction of about $9,400. The steady state welfare gains from ... -
We consider a multi-period rational expectations model in which risk-averse investors differ in their information on past transaction prices (the ticker). Some investors (insiders) observe prices in real-time whereas other ... -
The CEE (2005) model was estimated for the U.S. economy over the period 1959:2- 2001:4 by matching the impulse response function to the monetary shock in a structural VAR. An important assumption of the VAR that carries ... -
We simulate prices at 5-minute intervals and assume 24-hour trading with 250 trading days per year. For the purpose of sign prediction, we proceed by discarding the intra-day observations and take daily to be the highest ... -
In estimating the NAWM, we use times series for 18 macroeconomic variables which feature prominently in the ECB/Eurosystem staff projections: • real GDP (Y ) • total employment (E) • private consumption (C) • compensation ... -
We focus on the SmetsWouters model of the U.S. economy. The Smets-Wouters model is representative of current thinking in macroeconomics. It was recently published in the American Economic Review and is one of the best known ... -
Consider a two-date economy (T = 0, 1) with three classes of risk neutral agents: numerous firms, banks and investors. Firms have access to an investment project each, and need external funds to finance them. Only bank ... -
This paper’s key contribution is to introduce an alternative approach that does not require numerical rootfinding. The trick is to begin with end-of-period assets at and to use the end-of-period marginal value function vat ... -
The dataset includes Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) stock market data covering the period since 1970. I combine the MSCI data with macroeconomic data on consumption, short- and long-term interest rates, and ... -
Section III summarizes the alternative asset—pricing approach to exchange rate determination which differs with the Friedman—Schwartz approach by viewing resumption expectations and fiscal expectations as the determinants ... -
The Maddison Project was initiated in 2 and builds on the legacy of Angus Maddison. Maddison’s estimates of GDP and population in the world economy between Roman times and the present are of great value to the academic ... -
To derive asset market implications from the model described in (8), we calibrate the odel at the monthly frequency, such that its time-aggregated annual growth rates of consumption and dividends match salient features of ... -
The basic data used to estimate the pricing kernel volatilities consist of estimated zero coupon Treasury bond yields on the second day of each month from January 1985 to May 2002 for the United States, United Kingdom, ... -
In the New-Keynesian model monetary aggregates play no direct role in the transmission of monetary policy to output and inflation. Monetary policy decisions are made with regard to the nominal interest rate. A change in ... -
Data availability narrows the list considerably. Sentiment may vary daily, but major episodes occur over years, and the most convincing tests of the effects of sentiment are those in which it is used to actually predict ... -
The firm-level data are from the merged CRSP-Compustat database. The sample includes all common stock (share codes 10 and 11) between 1962 through 2001. Following Fama and French (1992), we match accounting data for fiscal ... -
We formally characterize ECB-style cross-checking using a policy rule with two components. The first component aims to control inflationary risks based on a standard Phillips curve and aggregate demand relationship. ... -
We are dealing with national-accounts data for 42 countries. This sample is the universe of countries that seem to be promising for constructing reasonably accurate annual data since before World War I. The current study ...