External Research Data: Recent submissions
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The article continues as follows: the next section presents the model using a framework introduced by Schlesinger (1987). It reports the fundamental result concerning the optimal design of an insurance contract for multiple ... -
"We consider a public debt manager representing a government which wants to raise money by issuing some prespecified number B of bonds at time 0. Any of these bonds will lead to payments amounting to unity at time 1. The ... -
We attempt to capture the sentiment in CEO speeches held at German companies’ AGMs and to assess whether this sentiment is associated with significant market reactions subsequent to the AGM. For that purpose, we gather the ... -
This paper examines in detail the characteristics of credit to the non-government sector, including both interest and non-interest terms, in fourteen industrial countries and considers its potential implications for the ... -
The two main inputs are a stochastic model of default and a distribution of loss-givendefault rates for each euro area sovereign. Model calibration is guided by the principle of conservatism regarding the potential benefits ... -
Our objective is to compare the real-time out-of-sample forecast accuracy of selected product spread models for the average monthly real price of crude oil. This approach is consistent with the objective of government ... -
We will consider a lottery experiment that is well suited for testing the affect heuristic for both option price and risk perception. In order to elicit emotions directed at positive and negative returns, we let subjects ... -
We establish our result, in a single-period economy, by a technique similar to that applied by Ábrahám, Koehne and Pavoni (2011) to a two-period moral-hazard economy where noncontingent savings are hidden, but insurance ... -
Our dataset is monthly and includes some raw data that are available in real time and not subject to data revisions such as (1) the WTI spot price of crude oil, (2) NYMEX oil futures prices at various maturities, (3) an ... -
The model which is set up in this section captures important features of the nancial system and replicates several stylized facts encountered during the recent nancial crisis. It consists of (i) a system of three ... -
The study relies on the CFS Loan Data Set, collected under the Center for Financial Studies’ field research project on Credit Management. The data underlying our analysis include corporate debtors of five major German ... -
The study relies on the CFS Loan Data Set, collected under the Center for Financial Studies’ field research project on Credit Management (see Elsas et al. (1998) for further details). The data underlying our analysis include ... -
By using an NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) -style peak-to-trough measurement of the sizes of macroeconomic contractions. Starting from the annual time series, proportionate contractions in C and GDP were ... -
The model is calibrated to the U.S. economy accounting for the high degree of inflation persistence as actually observed in the data, e.g., Christiano, Eichenbaum and Evans (2001) and Giannoni and Woodford (2003). From a ... -
Unsere Analyse verwendet einen proprieta?ren Datensatz, der von uns auf Basis umfangreicher und detaillierter Unterlagen (inklusive der Beteiligungsvertra?ge) der KfW Bankengruppe (KfW) in Frankfurt am Main erstellt wurde. ... -
The experiment was conducted using the on-line labor market Mechanical Turk. Participation was restricted to Mechanical Turk workers residing in the United States. In total about 300 individuals participated in the experiment. ... -
We develop a utility based model of fluctuations, with nominal rigidities, and unemployment. In doing so, we combine two strands of research: the New Keynesian model with its focus on nominal rigidities, and the ... -
For the estimation of our money demand system we use the same variables as in CGL and - except the long-run interest rate- as in BDW, albeit with a much longer extended sample. And we introduce housing wealth into the ... -
Estimates for the United States resulting from this study are not intended to be the last word or best estimate of the specific size of the U.S. wealth effect, because the data and model specifications used in this study ...