External Research Data: Recent submissions
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The game is organized in six stages. Time is not discounted. There is a firm initiallyentirely owned by a private financier (a venture capitalist for example) who is called “the owner” in what follows. The owner sells a ... -
On the methodological side, we provide a collection of algorithms that can be used to generate forecasts with DSGE models that have been estimated with Bayesian methods. In particular, we focus on novel methods that allow ... -
We consider an infinite-period economy with risk-averse policyholders and risk-neutral insurers. All policyholders are infinitely lived and identical with strictly increasing and concave utilitility u from consumption in ... -
Figure 1 describes national gasoline prices, consumption, and taxes over the period 1989–2008 from the US Department of Energy and US Department of Transportation. The data are monthly. Gasoline prices and taxes have been ... -
Based on a model of venture capital investing with a focus on time investments, we will be able to look at market structures following shocks on the demand for venture capital. The paper has some similarities to Michelacci ... -
A few modiÖcations to the benchmark New Keynesian model can highlight the tension between policymakers and the temptation for monetary policy to assume primary responsibility for mitigating the cycle. First, the framework ... -
This paper examines the factors that have contributed to the rise in the debt. It highlights two main influences: firstly a decrease in the prevalence of credit rationing that resulted from the deregulation of financial ... -
We conduct stochastic simulations of the model to obtain the stationary distributions of the endogenous variables under alternative monetary policy strategies. In preparation for these simulations, we first computed the ... -
Monetary DSGE models are widely used because they fit the data well and they can be used to address important monetary policy questions. We provide a selective review of these developments. Policy analysis with DSGE models ... -
Our model’s tractability springs from our distillation of all nonreturn risk into a stark and simple possibility: The decisionmaker might experience an uninsurable one-time permanent reduction in the flow of nonfinancial ... -
In preparation for the stochastic simulations, we first computed the structural shocks of the model based on U.S. data from 1980 to 1999.13 Since the non-negativity constraint for nominal interest rates was never binding ... -
Overall, we have collected 203,886 online articles that were published on three platforms between January 23, 2020 and June 22, 2020. Reuters.com and nytimes.com are the websites of the respective international news companies ... -
The model consists of two symmetric countries of normalised population size s and 1 ? s, respectively: the euro area, denoted as the home country, and the United States, representing the rest of the industrialised world ... -
Thus, we proceed to analyze the timing and magnitude of revisions to euro area output, price, and money data, beginning with the advent of European Monetary Union in 1999. As measures of real output, we consider monthly ... -
We constructed a comprehensive database of macroeconomic and financial variables for 21 OECD countries over the period 1960:1–2007:4, based on IMF International Financial Statistics (IFS) and OECD Analytical Databases.3 ... -
Our sample comprises 42 stock exchanges that are members of the World Federation of Exchanges (2006–2008) and are included in commonly used data sources such as Thomson Reuters Datastream. The sample comprises Argentina, ... -
We model the motives for residents of a country to hold foreign assets, including the precautionary motive that has been omitted from much previous literature as intractable. Our model captures many of the principal insights ... -
The data in this paper are derived from questionnaires sent to seventy-five jurisdictions around the world.12 One limitation to obtaining data through a survey is the possibility of sample selection and response bias. While ... -
The basic idea of our model is fairly straightforward: Financial intermediaries can choose to invest in more or less (real) liquid assets. We model illiquidity in the following way: some fraction of projects turns out to ... -
We use an event study approach to analyze the effects of the introduction and strengthening of competition control (henceforth, “changes” in competition control) in numerous industrial countries over the last three decades. ...