Auflistung LIF-SAFE Working Papers nach Titel
Anzeige der Dokumente 1-20 von 334
A Decentralization Theorem of Taxation
(2015-05-01)"In the EU there are longstanding and ongoing pressures towards a tax that is levied on the EU level to substitute for national contributions. We discuss conditions under which such a transition can make sense, starting ... -
A Life-Cycle Model with Ambiguous Survival Beliefs
(2015-10-02)Based on a cognitive notion of neo-additive capacities reflecting likelihood insensitivity with respect to survival chances, we construct a Choquet Bayesian learning model over the life-cycle that generates a motivational ... -
A Modern Take on Market Efficiency: The Impact of Trump’s Tweets on Financial Markets
(2021-05-06)We focus on the role of social media as a high-frequency, unfiltered mass information transmission channel and how its use for government communication affects the aggregate stock markets. To measure this effect, we ... -
A Quasi Real-Time Leading Indicator for the EU Industrial Production
(2016-01-04)We build a quasi real-time leading indicator (LI) for the EU industrial production (IP). Differently from previous studies, the technique developed in this paper gives rise to an ex-ante LI that is immune to “overlapping ... -
A Repeated Principal-Agent Model with On-the-Job Search
(2014-08-01)This paper analyzes how on-the-job search (OJS) by an agent impacts the moral hazard problem in a repeated principal-agent relationship. OJS is found to constitute a source of agency costs because efficient search incentives ... -
A Stochastic Forward-Looking Model to Assess the Profitability and Solvency of European Insurers
(2016-11-01)In this paper, we develop an analytical framework for conducting forward-looking assessments of profitability and solvency of the main euro area insurance sectors. We model the balance sheet of an insurance company ... -
A Tale of One Exchange and Two Order Books: Effects of Fragmentation in the Absence of Competition
(2018-10-01)Exchanges nowadays routinely operate multiple, almost identically structured limit order markets for the same security. We study the effects of such fragmentation on market performance using a dynamic model where agents ... -
Abandon Ship: Deferred Compensation and Risk-Taking Incentives in Bad Times
(2017-05-23)We study how US chief executive officers (CEOs) invest their deferred compensation plans depending on the firm's profitability. By looking at the correlation between the CEO's return on these plans and the firm's stock ... -
Accounting for Financial Stability: Lessons from the Financial Crisis and Future Challenges
(2020-07-08)This paper examines banks’ disclosures and loss recognition in the financial crisis and identifies several core issues for the link between accounting and financial stability. Our analysis suggests that, going into the ... -
Add-On Pricing in Retail Financial Markets and the Fallacies of Consumer Education
(2016-07-11)We analyze the consequences of consumer education on prices and welfare in retail financial markets when some consumers are naive about shrouded addon prices and banks try to exploit this. Allowing for different information ... -
Aggregate and Distributional Effects of Increasing Taxes on Top Income Earners
(2015-07-13)We analyze the macroeconomic implications of increasing the top marginal income tax rate using a dynamic general equilibrium framework with heterogeneous agents and a fiscal structure resembling the actual U.S. tax system. ... -
Aging and Pension Reform: Extending the Retirement Age and Human Capital Formation
(2014-12-29)Projected demographic changes in industrialized and developing countries vary in extent and timing but will reduce the share of the population in working age everywhere. Conventional wisdom suggests that this will increase ... -
All Economic Ideas are Equal, but Some are more Equal than Others: A Differentiated Perspective on Macroprudential Ideas and their Implementation
(2018-06-01)In this study we investigate which economic ideas were prevalent in the macroprudential discourse post-crises in order to understand the availability of ideas for reform minded agents. We base our analysis on new findings ... -
Ambiguity and Investor Behavior
(2020-11-24)We relate time-varying aggregate ambiguity (V-VSTOXX) to individual investor trading. We use the trading records of more than 100,000 individual investors from a large German online brokerage from March 2010 to December ... -
An Experiment on Retail Payments Systems
(2014-05-05)We study the behavioral underpinnings of adopting cash versus electronic payments in retail transactions. A novel theoretical and experimental framework is developed to primarily assess the impact of sellers’ service fees ... -
An Extensible Model for Historical Financial Data with an Application to German Company and Stock Market Data
(2021-01-22)Broad, long-term financial and economic datasets are a scarce resource, in particular in the European context. In this paper, we present an approach for an extensible, i.e. adaptable to future changes in technologies and ... -
Anchoring in Experimental Asset Markets
(2015-02-10)We investigate the relationship between anchoring and the emergence of bubbles in experimental asset markets. We show that setting a visual anchor at the fundamental value (FV) in the first period only is sufficient to ... -
Are Tax Havens Good? Implications of the Crackdown on Secrecy
(2015-07-01)The pressure on tax haven countries to engage in tax information exchange shows first effects on capital markets. Empirical research suggests that investors do react to information exchange and partially withdraw from ... -
Assessing Systemic Fragility – a Probabilistic Perspective
(2014-10-01)We outline a procedure for consistent estimation of marginal and joint default risk in the euro area financial system. We interpret the latter risk as the intrinsic financial system fragility and derive several systemic ... -
Asset Market Participation and Portfolio Choice Over the Life-Cycle
(2015-06-01)We study the life cycle of portfolio allocation following for 15 years a large random sample of Norwegian households using error-free data on all components of households’ investments drawn from the Tax Registry. Both, ...