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The Annual Survey of Industry - Product, PIA Product, investigates products and services produced by the Brazilian industry, based on a predefined nomenclature: the List of Products of Industry, Prodlist-Industry, produced by the IBGE on top of the Mercosur Common Nomenclature - NCM and the National Classification of Economic Activities - CNAE 2.0. Its results are a reference to the further study of the composition of the industrial production, as well as to the articulate analysis of the flows of the internal production and the foreign trade of industrial products. The survey information is released in two parts and only on the IBGE portal. The first part corresponds to the table of results, comprising the amount produced and sold and the values of production and sales of the industrial products and services generated in Brazil, highlighting those 100 biggest ones, according to their national position in value of sales and Federation Units. The second part brings considerations of methodological nature of the survey. The scope and level of detail of the PIA Product results are a precious source of information on the Brazilian industrial sector, allowing the national standardization and the international comparability of the statistics.
Publication Type
Research Data
Link to Publication
- External Research Data [777]