Capital IQ
Zur Langanzeige
Capital IQ is the research division of Standard and Poor’s. It provides detailed research and analysis of the stock market to a variety of investing stakeholders. The web portal for Capital IQ’s products offers many powerful tools for institutional and individual investors alike. These tools give users the ability to gain broad market understanding through the use of its various features, including market snapshots, industry and sub-industry reviews, surveys and general economic insights. Major products of the Capital IQ platform include Compustat, Xpressfeed and Money Market Directories (MMD). Together, this suite of tools provides users access to desktop research, screening, real-time market data, backtesting, portfolio management, financial modeling and quantitative analysis through web-based and Excel-based applications. Compustat, one of Standard & Poor's flagship services, has provided financial and statistical market data since 1962, and the Xpressfeed service is a formatting and delivery method of the Compustat database that permits users the ability to access and interpret real-time market data using their own tools. Money Market Directories are a powerful prospecting tool, offering comprehensive, global insights into foundations, endowments and similar funding sources.
Financial Markets
corporate social responsibility, esg rating agencies, sustainable investments, socially responsible investing, esg, portfolio choice
G11, G12, G23, G59, M14, Q5
Working Paper Referenzen
Corporate Finance
Fiscal Stability
Saving and Borrowing
Fiscal Stability
Saving and Borrowing
Research Data
Link zur Publikation
- External Research Data [777]