Zur Langanzeige
Our portfolio of stock, indexes, mutual fund, treasury, and REIT market databases is relied on by academicians whose research and publications must withstand rigorous analysis for accuracy. Quantitative analysts in the commercial market depend on CRSP’s historical depth and unrivaled quality in order to perform backtesting and modeling calculations. In the government sector, regulators and policy makers value CRSP’s complete data sets as the basis for financial and economic research.
Financial Markets
Transparency Lab
Systemic Risk Lab
Financial Institutions
Household Finance
Financial Intermediation
Transparency Lab
Systemic Risk Lab
Financial Institutions
Household Finance
Financial Intermediation
extreme value theory, tail measure, implied correlation, variance risk premium, option-implied distribution, predictability, portfolio optimization, firm valuation, real options, volatility, r&d expenses, pca, systemic risk, value-at-risk, equity options, implied volatility, return predictability, scenarios, welfare, performance, housing, consumption-portfolio choice, money in the utility function, stock demand, stochastic control, asset pricing, epstein-zin preferences, jump risk, stochastic volatility, level and slope of implied volatility smile, general equilibrium, sin stocks, interconnectedness, asset liquidation, similarity, financial stability, insurance companies, sifi, idiosyncratic volatility puzzle, networks, expected returns, granger causality, cross-section of returns, financial frictions, collateral constraint, preference for early resolution of uncertainty, cross-sectionof expected stock returns, banks, financial crisis, disclosure, loan loss accounting, expected credit losses, incurred loss model, prudential filter, fair valueaccounting, cross-section of stock returns, factor timing, time series momentum, anomalies, term structure of interest rates, fiscal theory of the price level, bond risk premia, government debt, dsge models, nonlinear solution methods, corporate social responsibility, esg rating agencies, sustainable investments, socially responsible investing, esg, portfolio choice
G11, G12, G13, G17, G01, G28, G32, D91, D14, C61, D51, E20, G18, G2, G10, E2, E3, E44, D81, G21, G22, G38, K22, M41, M42, M48, G23, G59, M14, Q5
Working Paper Referenzen
Option-Implied Information and Predictability of Extreme Returns
Growth Options and Firm Valuation
Systemic Risk in the Financial Sector: What Can We Learn from Option Markets?
Bank Rescues and Bailout Expectations: The Erosion of Market Discipline During the Financial Crisis
Predictors and Portfolios Over the Life Cycle
Consumption-Portfolio Choice with Preferences for Cash
Level and Slope of Volatility Smiles in Long-Run Risk Models
Pricing Sin Stocks: Ethical Preference vs. Risk Aversion
Portfolio Similarity and Asset Liquidation in the Insurance Industry
Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle: The Role of Assets' Interconnections
The Collateralizability Premium
Implied Volatility Duration: A Measure for the Timing of Uncertainty Resolution
Accounting for Financial Stability: Lessons from the Financial Crisis and Future Challenges
Predictability and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns: A Challenge for Asset Pricing Models
Momentum-managed equity factors
Discount rates, debt maturity, and the fiscal theory
The salience of ESG ratings for stock pricing: Evidence from (potentially) confused investors
Growth Options and Firm Valuation
Systemic Risk in the Financial Sector: What Can We Learn from Option Markets?
Bank Rescues and Bailout Expectations: The Erosion of Market Discipline During the Financial Crisis
Predictors and Portfolios Over the Life Cycle
Consumption-Portfolio Choice with Preferences for Cash
Level and Slope of Volatility Smiles in Long-Run Risk Models
Pricing Sin Stocks: Ethical Preference vs. Risk Aversion
Portfolio Similarity and Asset Liquidation in the Insurance Industry
Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle: The Role of Assets' Interconnections
The Collateralizability Premium
Implied Volatility Duration: A Measure for the Timing of Uncertainty Resolution
Accounting for Financial Stability: Lessons from the Financial Crisis and Future Challenges
Predictability and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns: A Challenge for Asset Pricing Models
Momentum-managed equity factors
Discount rates, debt maturity, and the fiscal theory
The salience of ESG ratings for stock pricing: Evidence from (potentially) confused investors
Stability and Regulation
Saving and Borrowing
Saving and Borrowing
Research Data
Link zur Publikation
- External Research Data [777]