Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.description.abstractYou are visiting the website of the National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary (NTCA), where you can find information about the Hungarian tax and customs system as well as the information related the tasks and investigative activities of the NTCA. Whether you are an individual or an operator interested, we are confident that the available information on the website is useful for you. It is very important for us that the citizens of other nations also get acces to the tax and customs rules in force in Hungary to help the work of those who do not speak perfect Hungarian. These pages are meant to provide guide things, but detailed information and full-range services are available in the Hungarian version.
dc.rightsAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
dc.titleAPEH (NTCA)
dc.typeResearch Data

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Zur Kurzanzeige

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